About Us
I was born and raised in the small town of Frederick, Maryland. I grew up in a hectic household with my two parents, the middle of five children, and three big dogs. I have several nicknames, Nic and Nicols being just a couple of them. I have wild brunette hair that has a life of its own, most days I can hardly contain it. After high school, I packed my bags and moved to Nashville for undergraduate college where I studied Organizational Communication and met Ashley. I am now an MBA candidate and working full time in athletics while living it up in the city. As a free spirit I crave spontaneity and thrills, from roller coaster to new adventures I am constantly seeking "what's next". Some of my favorite things are Indian food, traveling, ice hockey, and supporting small businesses.
I am born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. I love finding new things to do around the city because it is growing every minute. My nickname is Ash--it's inevitable. I have wavy black hair and matching black eyes, making for a spooky combination. I have recently graduated college in Communication and I am still waiting to find a job that will fulfill my dream (keep you posted on that). Some of my favorite things are the color purple, pineapple, watermelon, and photo booths.
We met our freshmen year of college at an intramural flag football game (Ash's team took home the trophy). Over the past years we have grown closer through mutual friendships, Communication classes, and a Spring Break trip to Florida. After discovering all the things we shared in common we began exploring Nashville together by cheering the Preds on during their playoff run (#wewantthecup), eating Joey's Pizza on our lunch break, checking out the Dia de los Muertos Festival, and just being goofballs together. Many people as if we're sisters, cousins, or related in any sort of way--nope we're just best friends!
So wait and see what we'll do next!
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